Cele 10 porunci ale utilizatorului Linux
From linux360
Revision as of 13:42, 17 September 2007 by Ovidiu (talk | contribs) (Cele 10 prounci ale utilizatorului Linux moved to Cele 10 porunci ale utilizatorului Linux: typo)
1. Thou shalt not log in as root.
2. Thou shalt use the package manager when possible.
3. Thou shalt be a part of the community.
4. Thou shalt read documentation and man pages.
5. Thou shalt use the available support system.
6. Thou shalt search.
7. Thou shalt explore.
8. Thou shalt use the command line.
9. Thou shalt not try to recreate Windows.
10. Thou shalt not give up.
11. Thou shalt not kill -9
12. Thou shalt not use Realtek chipset on servers.